We are watching NUCLEUS.VISION video

Nucleus Vision — This is new innovation Founded in 2014 at Harvard University, Nucleus is an end-to-end technology solution that captures and provides previously unaccessed data to retailers and other ‘brick and mortar’ businesses through its proprietary blockchain and real time sensor technology . The solution that Nucleus has built, which currently has 19 IoT sensors’ deployed in 10 live storage establishments, will support a valuable data network for unique visitor IDs and corresponding user data. Our proprietary IoT sensor technology does not depend on any RFID, WiFi Bluetooth, or even facial recognition technologies to operate.

Nucleus Vision , based in San Jose, USA and Hyderabad, India is a company working for 3 years to bring IOT to a new life.
Nucleus Vision is an end-to-end technology solution capturing inaccessible data and providing it through sensor technology and real-time sensors.Based on a contactless identification system , it allows to capture every data previously inaccessible.
Their “Internet of things” sensor technology is capable of detecting any visitor phones and mobile ID data passing by a partnered storefronts or any location where a sensor is set up . This live recognition send user-authorized data privately over blockchain to an intelligence platform .Currently , this platform provides users/customers with useful & precise product recommandations at “brick-and-mortar” retails locations.

The long term objectives

To begin , the company mainly focused to bring early adoption around the retail sector , bringing the solution to 10 live retail establishments featuring 19 IOT sensors.. You can find in example 2 international retail brands , such as Giny & Jony in India.
For the second phase of growth , Nucleus Vision aims to deploy his smart IOT sensors to mainstream through residential , commercial and industrial security systems.
Finally , the last but not less important objective is to bring an entire ecosystem of interconnected IOT devices worldwide . The technology have already begun to target some essentials market : Cities ,Agriculture , Transportation , Healthcare and home monitoring . You can follow the expansion , progress & team achievement on the live roadmap .
2018 project :

Components & Technologies.

Nucleus Vision is built on several technology layers , including 4 primary components : Ion ,Orbit , Neuron and NCash tokens .
  • ION Sensors enable retailers to collect new data on brick on mortar customers , to identify and sense temperature , pressure , motion , acceleration and sound. The ION network is the proprietary sensor network owned by Nucleus Vision . The ION sensors are developed to respect & fit global telecom industry requirements about data and privacy related to customers and remains plug-and play.
  • Orbit is the Nucleus Vision blockchain platform where customers /visitors identities , data and tokens flow accurately & securely between the parties inside the system. The blockchain is the foundation of the ULP , Universal Loyalty Program , allowing a complete transparency about the flow of information through the world.
  • Neuron Intelligence platform is a state of the art analytics engine , leveraging the power of deep learning , blockchain technology and internet of things. Neuron platform connects retailers and customers to take advantage over time and opportunities for the visitors.
Want to learn more about their complete techs and Neural Models :


Ncash is a non-mineable ERC20 Ethereum token and the decentralized cryptocurrency token of Nucleus Vision , used for transactions across the Nucleus Vision ecosystem , capped at a total supply of 10 billions tokens without further issuance or creation of new tokens in the future.
The transaction nature may vary from reward points ( by making a purchase at a nucleus vision powered store ) to remuneration of data providers and rewards to the customer sharing their data through a portion of fees going directly into the consumer’s wallet . . This token is used for data exchange through the entire ecosystem. Discounts and coupons are offered by retailers looking to boost in-store conversion.
The NUCLEUS VISION team will run a private presale targeting funds and strategic investors .The minimum investment is 500 ETH . The crowdsale should start by Q1 2018 with a hard cap of USD $40 million. Further details will be shared on their medium blog :

