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SocialMedia.Market - A platform that will allow you to create, analyze and effectively manage advertising campaigns on several social platforms.
The service will create safe and transparent conditions for working in the market of Influence Marketing. This will open up opportunities for growth and development to millions of beginning bloggers, as well as small and medium-sized businesses around the world.
The platform will occupy a significant share of the Marketing Influence market and online advertising in general, due to the high demand, convenience and constant development of technology blocking. The team seeks to promote the technology of blocking and smart contracts to make them more accessible and common in everyday life. Platform SocialMedia.Market, will cover millions of bloggers, small and medium businesses, as well as the largest corporations.

The main objective of

The project is aimed at working with the audience and is ready to meet all of its needs. Specifically, will not focus on one sector of consumers, but wants to meet the needs of bloggers, advertisers and ordinary users.
  • Leaders of opinions will be able to easily find new brands and companies for cooperation, eliminating unsuitable proposals.
  • Companies will have access to a large flow of bloggers, which will allow them to test various advertising strategies, assessing their effectiveness, and to reach a new audience.
  • Consumers benefit from the fact that bloggers will be interested in producing high-quality content and relevant advertising.
    As we see, the desires of all participants of the process are taken into account. In order for the idea of ​​ to become a reality, the project uses blocking technology and smart contract technology, which ensures real transparency and fairness of transactions.

The main advantages provided by the SMT token for all participants:

  1. Great opportunities for monetizing your content;
  2. Access to the platform even for novice bloggers;
  3. There is a possibility of additional earnings;
  4. Completely decentralized system;
  5. Opportunity to popularize your services;
  6. Fast and important secure transactions;
  7. Authentication;
  8. The system is available for small and large businesses;
  9. Reducing operating costs;
  10. Ability to access bloggers around the world.

Why invest in

1.Influence Marketing is the fastest growing online advertising line that will reach $ 5-10 billion by 2020.
2.Influence Marketing is the most cost-effective advertising channel, which brings in $ 11.69 for every $ 1 invested.
3.Market solves the fundamental problems of the market, which hinder the rapid growth.
4.The platform will expand the market's boundaries making it affordable for micro-influencers, start-ups and small businesses
5.Token holders will be able to earn extra money and increase the value of the token by participating in a decentralized dispute settlement system
6.We are supported by the expert on regulatory issues of the industry blockbuster and Bitfury Chief Legal Consultant 7.Alex Yastremsky who is the guarantor of reliability and transparency token sale
8.Market sells 80% of its tokens, which excludes the possibility of complete control and manipulation
9.Social Media Token is not a stock. The result of SEC HOWEY TEST is 20 points.

Road map

Pre-ICO 16.11-20.11 | ICO March 2018
Price of the token on ICO 1 ETH = 800 SMT
A total of 560,000
SMTs were allocated to the bounty pool of the total number of tokens: - Social network campaign - 30%
  • Blogging and video campaign - 20%
  • Signature campaign - 25%
  • Telegram - 5%
  • Miscellaneous awards (announced later) 20%

Token Functionality:

The main functionality of the platform will be provided by the utility-token - Social Media Token (SMT). Any activity on the platform will require SMT to confirm the creation of a contract or campaign, conduct transactions, and validate the data.
The value of the token will be supported not only through use as a method of payment, but will also be provided with the opportunity to participate in a decentralized dispute settlement system, which provides an additional income for the holders of the tokens.

ICO Structure

Name of the token : SMT.
Standard : ERC20.
Cost : 1 ETH = 2500 SMT.
Accepted currencies : ETH, BTC, LTC, XRP, BCH, DASH, DOGE, ETC, NEO, XMR, ZEC.
The minimum contribution is 0.1 ETH or 250 SMT.
Dates of the ICO: December 9, 2017 - March 16, 2018.
Hard Cap : 16,000 ETH.
At the time of writing, the project collected 12,906 ETH or 80% of the main financial target. As you can see from the results, investors are interested in the product

Use of funds:

35% - development of the platform;
38% - marketing and advertising, training campaigns;
12% - operating expenses;
8% - bonuses for bloggers and agencies;
5% - legal issues.
Bounty Campaign signatures
J.Members - 1 rate / week
Members - 2 bets / week
Full Members - 3 bids / week
S.Members - 4 stays / week
Legendary / Hero - 6 bets / week
Bonus +1 avatar bid
Only for ranks J.Members and above
Minimum 15 posts per week
With negative confidence do not participate
Posts are needed in the section alternate cryptocurrencies
Messages in any bounty stream will not be counted
Posts should be distributed for the whole week, not for 1-2 days, otherwise your rate will be 0 for the week
Spam is strictly prohibited
200-1999 subscribers - 5 bids / week
2000+ subscribers - 10 bids / week
Subscribe to the official SocialMedia.Market Twitter
At least 200 current subscribers
Only one account per user is allowed
Lait and retweet at least 5 tweets per week
Do at least 2 tweets per week about the project with a hash of SocialMediaMarket, but not more than 1 per day
Tweets should be in English


The platform can change the existing advertising market for bloggers. The main task of the project after the release of the finished version of the platform will be to attract new users. Brands are always interested in new sources of traffic, and the more opinion leaders will be presented on the site, the more advertisers will appear.
Official website -
Official Twitter -
